

There are a few options for support depending on your needs. We first recommend that you read the manuals and use the Help functions in the software. Many questions you have can be answered by looking at what functions/parameters are offered and how they are used properly. This can be found in both the manual and in the software very easily.


Visit our Manuals, or find Help resources in our software and our Wiki:



Or View the Quick-start guides for KFLOP and Kogna as well as our FAQ Page


For more complicated questions, we suggest that you first visit the forums and research whether or not your needs have been discussed before. If you cannot find the information already discussed, go ahead and post your question to the forum. You will get an answer either from someone in the community of users or from us directly. If you need to discuss your issue in private you can e-mail us, but we prefer to discuss questions in the public forum to help those with the same question.

Our e-mail for support is:


Programming in C

To use our products you will need to program at least a little bit in C. If you are new to programming there are many resources to help you in this rewarding endeavor. There has been a lot of discussion recently about how everyone should learn how to program and we don't disagree with this idea. Programming is a powerful enabler in general, and this is especially true in combination with our products.

The best way to learn programming is to have a purpose or a goal that you need to achieve. If you are reading this, you probably already have specific project that you want to develop. Specificity in your goal narrows your research to identify the methods that will help you reach that goal. The second thing that accelerates your learning is starting with examples of working code. Fortunately, we already have sample programs that you can implement and tweak to help you get started. From using these working programs, you can gain confidence in making your own programs. The third thing that helps is support. There certainly is no shortage of support out there to help you learn. The web is full of communities and resources to answer literally any question you have. Make use of these resources.

The next thing to do is to go for it! Jump in and push yourself. You will really enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

Resources for Programming in C

Here are a few resources to help you get started. Please don't let these links limit your search for help. There are many other resources to help and you may even find groups close to where you live and work to help you out.